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Monday, October 8, 2007

Parkinson's Sufferers Find Chinese Stem Cell Treatment Effective

Westerners Return from Beijing's World-Class Stem Cell Treatment Hospital with Clear Improvement, Giving Hope Not Found at Home

BEIJING, Oct. 9, 2007 - Tiantan Puhua Neurosurgical Hospital, the world's leading center for effective treatment of Parkinson's disease using adult retinal stem cells, today here announced that four more international patients returned home from China with a significant reduction in their debilitating Parkinson's disease symptoms. These success stories clearly demonstrate stem cells can effectively be used to treat afflictions like Parkinson's in addition to many other neurological disorders.

While debates over stem cells continue in many countries, Western clinical trials have so far found the use of adult retinal stem cells to be the best chance for Parkinson's sufferers to gain a better quality of life. Chinese neurologists at Tiantan Puhua Hospital are among those worldwide leading the implementation of this cutting-edge science through safe and effective treatment. Following Penny Thomas of Hawaii, who benefited from the hospital's stem cell treatment a year ago, four more patients have now come home to better lives in the United States and Europe after treatment at Tiantan Puhua Hospital in Beijing.

Jane Edwards, a 55-year-old United Kingdom citizen, saw comparatively dramatic improvement in her debilitating Parkinson's symptoms almost immediately after a minimally invasive injection that implanted millions of high-quality adult hRPE (human Retinal Pigment Epithelial) cells. The procedure utilizes the latest stereotactic technology. This cutting edge three-dimensional imaging system assists doctors in locating the most appropriate area of the brain or other nerve center to implant the cells. Tiantan Puhua's several weeks treatment program for Parkinson's sufferers also often includes a nutritious intravenous (IV) cocktail that protects the implanted stem cells, personalized physical therapy, and even complementary traditional Chinese medicine. This all takes place in a hospital whose doctors and staff function under fully international standards. More details on Jane's treatment can be found at

"I hope everyone suffering from this terrible disease and seeking hope will examine the evidence, and will consider coming to China to seek improvement through these great doctors," said Jane. "Those in the West that urge caution for Parkinson's sufferers who consider going to Beijing, with no evidence to say why, simply aren't going through what I have been going through," she said.

Jane was diagnosed with Parkinson's in the spring of 2001, reaching stage three of the disease (on the Hoehn/Yahr scale) as her symptoms became progressively worse just before the treatment. Before coming to China, Jane could not do the simple things in life on her own that most of us take for granted, such as turning over in bed, getting up from a chair, dressing herself, putting on shoes, or writing - the last of which she had given up more than two years ago. She also could not turn her neck and her speech was becoming increasingly slow. Within 6 weeks after the treatment, almost all of Jane's Parkinson's symptoms were greatly reduced. Jane can now write again, turn over in bed, dress by herself, and even ride a bicycle.

Linda Rouen, 59, from the United States, was diagnosed with Parkinson's 5 years ago. In 2007, Linda decided to come to China for stem cell treatment to seek solutions for her deteriorating condition. To control her symptoms, Linda previously took a high dosage of medications every 2 hours.

"I was a watch keeper. I used to watch the clock all the time. After time, I stopped swimming and avoided other physical and social activities because I never knew when the medications would wear off," she said. "Without heavy medication, I could hardly get dressed, get out of bed, or take a shower on my own."

Linda's most notable change after the surgery and treatment at Tiantian Puhua Hospital was her first peaceful full night of sleep in five years. Within 5 weeks after the stem cell implantation, most of Linda's symptoms gradually went away, allowing her medication to be significantly reduced. Details on Linda's treatment are at:

At the time of this release, two more international Parkinson's sufferers report having significant improvement from the treatment at Tiantan Puhua Hospital. American David Brown, 64, reports better balance, more fluid movement, and the disappearance of "freeze-ups" after his treatment. As well, US citizen James Devlin, 65, from Hawaii, shows significant reduction in his tremors, is feeling increased energy and muscle strength, and is getting more sleep and much more relief from the anxiety and depression he suffered for many years. The experience of both patients is recorded at

About Tiantan Puhua Neurosurgical Hospital

Tiantan (Temple of Heaven) Puhua Neurosurgical Hospital, a world-class international facility in Beijing, is rapidly gaining renown as the world's foremost center for treatment of Parkinson's disease and a range of other neurological disorders through its groundbreaking stem cell therapy. The Hospital collaborates with the Stem Cells Research Center of Peking University, which is the leading stem cells research center in China. There, stem cells are cultured and induced for clinical treatment. To date, Tiantan Puhua Hospital has treated 14 international Parkinson's disease patients. The treatment is based on a clinical trial done at Peking University in which 20 Chinese Parkinson's patients have gone through hRPE stem cells implantation. PET scans done before and after the implantation showed that all patients exhibited increased amounts of dopamine in their brain, with a correlated improvement of movement. Long-term follow-up of the patients remains unavailable and is currently being carefully researched on a selected number of patients. Tiantan Puhua is the only hospital that offers this treatment to patients beyond limited clinical trials. (ERN)
More details about Tiantan Puhua Hospital can be found on the website:



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