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Friday, December 7, 2007

Parkinson's-Specific Exercise Plan Restoring Lives

Since the spring release of his new book and instructional DVD, Delay the Disease - Exercise and Parkinson's Disease, David Zid delights in the positive response from participants whose lives are enhanced thanks to following his daily fitness program. Participants worldwide are thrilled that their Parkinson's symptoms have been minimized. "It might be overly dramatic to say exercise saved my life, but it certainly saved the quality of my life," boasts program participant Kathy Cooper.

Zid, an ACE, APG certified trainer, designed the Parkinson's-specific program to exercise all parts of the body, focusing on balance, flexibility, strength and coordination. Nearly two years after being diagnosed, Kathy Cooper began the Delay the Disease exercise program. "I've noticed improvements in the way I walk and maintain my balance," explains Cooper. "I now take bigger steps and no longer seem to shuffle or limp. I smile 'normally' and my relaxed facial expression has improved."

Participants are enthusiastic about the practical nature of the routine. Emphasis is placed on activities of daily living that frequently become a challenge to those with Parkinson's, such as rising from a chair, moving about in crowds, and getting in and out of the car. "The program has really helped me stand up from a seated position by using the 'nose over toes' technique," reports program participant Jerry Timmons.

According to Zid, the most rewarding stories are the individuals who associate an improved mindset with the Delay the Disease fitness program. Though Cooper attributes multiple physical improvements since beginning the routine, "The biggest change is my mental outlook," she gloats. "My demeanor has improved so much that my overall reaction to this affliction has become almost dismissive. My small voice has been replaced with a stronger one and overall, I feel as good, or better, than my pre-afflicted self."

Parkinson's professionals and those affected by the disease are grateful for the simplicity, organization and comprehensiveness of the exercise manual and DVD. The program empowers the patient to participate in their healing and cope with the difficult Parkinson's diagnosis. Marjorie Johnston, a clinical exercise specialist in Naples, Florida, has been conducting Parkinson's fitness classes for over ten years and is responsible for reviewing exercise programs for recommendation to her Parkinson's association. "The Delay the Disease program is the first program that I feel I can enthusiastically recommend to my organization and participants. The exercise inventory is excellent." The National Parkinson's Foundation Center of Excellence at Indiana University recently used a portion of their funding for a bulk purchase of books and DVDs to distribute to their patients to encourage daily exercise.

Author David Zid leads a weekly class based on this fitness routine where Parkinson's participants discover fun, fitness and camaraderie. A portion of Delay the Disease proceeds is used to support Parkinson's research and development. The book and DVD are available for purchase at or



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