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Monday, April 7, 2008

The Magnificence of Exercise: Choose Movement Over Medication

Psychotherapist Bob Livingstone writes about the benefits of exercise in his new book "The Body Mind Soul Solution: Healing Emotional Pain through Exercise" (Pegasus Books). He feels that the program in his book that combines exercise, self-questioning, journaling and listening to music is a healthy alternative to medication.

There is increasing evidence that exercise is just as effective as or more beneficial than medication for the depressed. One Duke University study titled "Effects of exercise training on older patients with major depression" determined that exercise was just as effective as medication in reducing Major Depressive Disorder in older patients without the adverse side effects of the drugs.

Another Duke University study found that continued exercise greatly reduces the possibility that depression will return, and a study that took place at The University of University of Texas Southwest Medical Center at Dallas also indicates that exercise alone would greatly reduce the symptoms of depression.

In celebration of the book selling out its first printing, a special EBook giveaway is being offered: Purchase "The Body Mind Soul Solution: Healing Emotional Pain through Exercise" on and then send the Amazon receipt to You will then be sent a new EBook titled "The Miracle of Exercise: Letting Go of Anger, Hurt and Loss," which will be priced at $10.99. And if you act right now, you will also obtain another EBook titled "From Marriage to Mortality: How to Face Life's Challenges," which will be priced at $8.99. Right now they both are FREE!

Both EBooks contain a collection of articles that teach strategies on how to identify, face and resolve emotional pain.

Check out the rave reviews for "The Body Mind Soul Solution":
New York Times bestselling author of "The Fat Flush Diet," Ann Louise Gittleman, calls the book "Ground Breaking."

The prestigious Library Journal Review says that the book is "Highly Recommended."

The Miami Herald states, "Run through your anger and bike through your anguish with 'The Body Mind Soul Solution: Healing Emotional Pain through Exercise.' It explores different kinds of emotional pain and helps you search for the source so your mind and body can work in concert to resolve painful emotional issues."
Click on the book cover on to order from Amazon and then submit your receipt to to obtain his two new EBooks at no charge! This promotion is for a limited time only, so why not buy the book today?

Bob Livingstone has been featured in The San Francisco Chronicle, The Miami Herald, The Dallas Morning News, The Hartford Courant, Natural Health Magazine, The Library Journal, Grand Magazine, and Lee's Summit Journal.

He is a featured contributor to,,, and He is the author of the critically acclaimed book "The Body Mind Soul Solution: Healing Emotional Pain through Exercise" (Pegasus Books, Sept. 2007). For more emotional healing visit



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