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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Managing Gas Isn't Rocket Science

Daily flatulence is normal and necessary. In fact, the average person passes gas about 14 times per day (the human body produces one to three liters daily). However, every body behaves differently and some experience more gas than others. If you are one of those unlucky few, follow these recommendations from gastroenterologist Patricia Raymond, MD on how to minimize it:


Keep a gas diary - If gas has become more than just an occasional nuisance, try to determine if your gas is related to a particular food by noting the volume of gas within six hours of your last meal. It takes about a full six hours for portions of a meal to be released as gas, so if you have a particularly gassy sensation, it might not be that snack you just ate, but the meal you had earlier in the day. If you find that you are gassy, note all items in your last several meals to crosscheck against other meal periods where you experience gas.

Determine odor - Non-smelling flatulence results from swallowed air, which is symptomatic of chewing gum, drinking through straws, sucking on hard candies or nervousness, rather than something you've eaten. Foul-smelling flatulence is related to the breakdown of actual foods as they go through the intestinal tract. If nutrients are poorly absorbed, they 'feed' bacteria in the gut, which then produces the smelly flatulence.

Deactivate gas fast - Dr. Raymond suggests taking CharcoCaps® Homeopathic Formula products as a natural and safe way to relieve gas/flatulence. The activated charcoal/carbo vegetabilis in CharcoCaps is commonly used by people suffering from gas discomfort, pressure and bloating, since it serves to adsorb the gas, reducing both the gas and its smell.

Certain foods in moderation - Certain foods have a higher propensity to produce gas, since they are poorly absorbed by individuals, while others cause gas in just about everyone. They include beans, cabbage, onions, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus and corn; fruits such as pears, apples, prunes and peaches; whole grain products and oats; milk, ice cream and cheese; and carbonated drinks, fruit juices and alcohol.

Walk it off - Instead of keeping still after a meal, get moving: take a post-dinner stroll, do some chores around the house, or walk the dog. Not only is this a nice excuse for a bit of exercise, but it will keep your body moving and gas flowing.

Consult your doctor - If excessive or malodorous gas persists, see a doctor. What's making your belly bloat might not be gas, but a symptom of an underlying condition, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), celiac disease, pancreatic insufficiency or lactose intolerance. A gastroenterologist can make these determinations and prescribe proper diet and/or medication.

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