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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Cutting-Edge "Anti-Aging" Research

NEW YORK, March 14, 2013 -Just how much does daytime television play a role in spurring "anti-aging" research? Experts have been paying close attention to this link, and many are beginning to think the interest created by popular shows may be more instrumental in causing research to be conducted and new products to eventually be brought to market than most people realize. For example, a revolutionary new product called SeroVital™-hgh that's capable of boosting human growth hormone (hGH) levels naturally by promoting pituitary health (the gland that manufactures hGH in the body) hit store shelves in September of 2012. But the idea of increasing hGH levels naturally was introduced clear back in 2009 on an episode of The Doctors. The show synopsis reads, "Human growth hormone (HGH) is purported to build muscle and slow the aging process. Men have been using the substance to bulk up muscle mass and women have been using it as a weapon in the war against age… and everyone from soccer moms to athletes have been clamoring for it." Dr. Andrew Ordon, The Doctor's acclaimed surgeon, explained that if you're using synthetic HGH injections, "you're shutting down your own production of HGH," adding, "We don't know the ramifications of that." And then Dr. Ordon recommended using something that will "help you form your own natural HGH." Since that episode first aired, it seems everyone's begun talking about growth hormone. It's been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox News, The Dr. Oz Show, and in Vanity Fair and Shape. Why? Because human growth hormone has been touted to reduce wrinkles, boost energy, increase lean muscle mass, decrease body fat, recharge sex drive and make people look and feel decades — not years, but decades — younger. So the release of SeroVital-hgh during the midst of this frenzy may not involve as much "dumb luck" as strategic, TV-spurred product development. "Companies tend to put their money into projects that show a lot of interest," says Gina Daines, spokesperson for SanMedica International™, SeroVital's distributor. "And when you see repeated stories about the rich and famous spending up to $15,000 a year on something like hGH injections, companies are willing to put research dollars into an alternative that can reach the general masses and provide a far less expensive solution." In the case of SeroVital, this formula seems to have worked. "We spent lots of time and lots of money on research," Ms. Daines continues, "and it culminated with a study that was presented at the prestigious Obesity Society's 30th Annual Scientific Meeting and a product that's been clinically proven to increase mean, serum (blood) growth hormone levels… by an astounding 682%. Now our investment is really paying off. SeroVital is the hottest 'anti-aging' product to hit the market in years. Everybody wants this stuff!" It's almost certain that the high demand for SeroVital is at least partially related to all the television and popular magazine features that have been done on the importance of increased growth hormone levels. SeroVital itself has broken records in Parade magazine, been featured in Shape, on Radar Online, and on New York Live, and been touted by makeup artists in magazines like Star and OK! The prestige store chain Ulta has already sold out of SeroVital three times, and even SanMedica has had trouble keeping it in stock. This popularity is also likely due to the compelling research that backs SeroVital. After all, researchers have been looking for a way to increase human growth hormone levels naturally for 30 years. Synthetic hGH injections can raise growth hormone levels, of course, but the problem is that they're highly controversial, because some experts fear that introducing synthetic HGH into the body may upset the natural production of HGH. Plus they're extremely expensive — costs can run as high as $1500 a month. SeroVital is completely different. Rather than using a synthetic form of HGH like the injections, SeroVital increases growth hormone levels naturally by nourishing the pituitary gland. Despite the skyrocketing demand for SeroVital, some skeptics are saying it sounds too good to be true. So is there a catch? Well, there are three. First, as with HGH injections, SeroVital-hgh is not a "magic bullet" but one part of a healthy lifestyle choice including a sensible diet and exercise regimen. And, just like HGH injections, you have to remember to renew your monthly supply. Second, you have to take SeroVital-hgh on an empty stomach. That means you either have to take it first thing in the morning and then not eat anything for two hours, or take it at night, at least two hours after your last meal... before you go to bed. And last but not least, while SeroVital is far less expensive than prescription HGH injections, it's still not cheap… SeroVital will cost you about $100 a month. But is it worth it? To most people, reducing wrinkles, decreasing body fat, increasing lean muscle mass, strengthening bones, boosting mood, while giving you plenty of energy and improving sex drive is a no brainer. However, make no mistake about it, the "established" medical community would say its benefits are largely anecdotal, with research that's preliminary. But there's no denying that something that has a chance of making you look and feel decades, not years, but DECADES younger, is... at the very least... irresistible. SOURCE SeroVital



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