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Saturday, October 13, 2007

Asymptomatic Carotid Artery Blockage a Significant Stroke Risk

Doppler Ultrasound Screening Can Reveal Blockages Prior to Stroke

CLEVELAND, Oct. 13 (medianowonline)-Carotid artery blockages, such as the one Senator Kennedy had removed today, are a significant risk factor for stroke but many do not know that they have the life-threatening condition. Doppler ultrasound screening is a successful tool for revealing blocked carotid arteries prior to the onset of a stroke and before death or disability occurs.

Life Line Screening, the nation's leading provider of mobile vascular screening, including carotid artery screening, has identified nearly 100,000 people with seriously blocked carotid arteries who had no symptoms at the time of the screening.

"Asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis is a significant problem that is most often diagnosed by accident when another test is being performed," says Andrew Manganaro, MD, FACS, FACC, and National Medical Director of Life Line Screening. "In that way, Senator Kennedy's experience is fairly typical. However, preventive screenings using Doppler ultrasound can identify the problem before the stroke occurs."

Significant cardiovascular risk factors include age, high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, diabetes, smoking and a family history of stroke or cardiovascular disease.

According to the Society for Vascular Surgery, ultrasound vascular screenings have proven to be accurate in detecting vascular disease and individuals 55 years of age or older with cardiovascular risk factors may benefit from preventive screenings for vascular disease.

William Clovis, MD, a psychiatrist in Philadelphia, PA, is an example of the potential of such screening. Dr. Clovis attended a Life Line Screening program in 2005. In his words, "The screening found a blockage in my carotid arteries. One needed surgery very badly. The operation was a success. Without it, I would have had a fatal stroke."

About Life Line Screening

Established in 1993, the Cleveland, Ohio-based company is the nation's leading provider of mobile preventive health screenings and has screened more than 5 million people. Current screenings include screenings for blocked carotid arteries, atrial fibrillation, abdominal aortic aneurysms, peripheral arterial disease and osteoporosis as well as finger-stick blood tests that provide a complete lipid panel, blood glucose, and high sensitivity C-reactive protein. (PRN)

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