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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Health Tips for Weekend Warriors & Fitness Buffs

GLENDALE, Calif., Oct. 24- Weekend warriors and other fitness buffs take note: you need to pay as much attention to you oral health as your cardio and muscle-building regimens.

"People today are concerned about their total health, weight issues and
being healthy, yet they forget to protect their teeth and the health of
their mouth," said Jean Honny, president of the California Dental
Hygienists' Association (CDHA). "Exercise and diet indeed affect total

According to CDHA, many health-conscious Californians are unaware of
the oral health dangers from the sports drinks, gels and special diets they
consume during races and various sporting activities.

"Dental hygienists have received substantial education in nutrition,"
Honny said. "Every day we see the adverse effects of carbohydrates and
sugars in a person's diet that can increase their risk of dental decay."

Distance runners, cyclists, tri-athletes and other serious athletes
often experience "cotton mouth," which reduces saliva from increased air
intake. This can lead to dental decay since saliva acts as a protective
coating for our teeth against the acid in our mouths.

This problem is compounded when these athletes consume high amounts of
carbohydrates; the breakdown of carbohydrates leads to higher acidity in
the mouth. Additionally, many drinks and sports gels athletes consume
during races are very high in sugar, which also contributes to dental

To combat these problems, CDHA offers the following tips: -- Use xylitol-containing products such as chewing gum between
workouts and meals to generate re-mineralization of teeth

-- There are some sports drinks companies starting to use xylitol
as a sweetener, use them if you can find them

-- Carry a bottle of water or cup of ice while racing or working
out to rinse the mouth after you consume a gel, drink, or bar.
This also helps relieve dry mouth

-- Use an appropriate fluoride rinse and toothpaste that contains

-- Brushing teeth well for at least two minutes and flossing daily
are your best defense against dental decay

-- Visit your dental hygienist at least once every six months

In addition these tips, even the most casual weekend warrior should
invest in a plastic mouth guard.

"It's a small price to pay to protect your teeth," said CDHA's Honny,
who cited a National Sports Foundation estimate that more than five million
teeth are lost each year during sports activities. "In many cases, the
athlete could have prevented the injury simply by wearing a mouth guard."

The California Dental Hygienists' Association (CDHA) is the
authoritative voice of the state's dental hygiene profession. While
registered dental hygienists have worked in the state for nearly a century,
CDHA was established 20 years ago when two regional associations merged to
form a unified professional group. CDHA represents thousands of dental
hygienists throughout the state and is dedicated to expanding opportunities
for the profession and access to care for all Californians.

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